Thursday, August 6, 2009

Thursday August 6, 2009: Visit to the gorilla night nests

Today was an early morning for Beth, she went out with the HUGO members in the Advanced group to see gorilla night nests and take fecal samples.  Luckily the gorillas had slept less than a 10 minute walk from the UWA Office, so the scramble through the forest was not too difficult.  

We regrouped at the camp for closing discussions, lunch and a speech from the warden. Tours of the gorilla clinic/lab were given after the workshop had been closed for the HUGO members that were interested in seeing where the fecal samples they take were being analyzed.  

We are now posting the last three days from the nearby hospital back in Buhoma.  There has not been internet or cell phone network for the past few days and we are glad that we can communicate to those outside of Uganda again!

1 comment:

  1. That is quite hardcore. I'm hoping those gorillas weren't awake when you went into their nest.
