Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tuesday 28 July: Starting the Project

Today consisted mostly of running errands. We exchanged money and purchased a sim card for our global cell phone. Picked up out tracking permits from the Uganda Wildlife Authority and visited the CTPH head quarters in Kampala.

We had a meeting with Dr. Gladys and her nephew Paul about how we can modify the Bwindi and Queen Elizabeth Community websites (the second link on the right). We then went to meet with the web master for this website, Jan van Diepen. He showed us how to use Drupal, the online program he uses to create websites.

We are currently at the CTPH headquarter in Kampala where we have internet access, but will soon be traveling back to our hotel. Tonight we will be having dinner with Gladys, Tendo and her older son Ndhego (whom we have not met yet).

1 comment:

  1. Beth & Jerri-Ann,
    So cool that you're keeping this blog. I look forward to enjoying your trip vicariously.
